About Us

Sooner or later your sinks will begin to clog and leak, which will cause you a lot of inconveniences. Initially, a chemical to clear out a clogged drain or a plunger is considered the easiest and cheapest method to fix the problem, but what happens when you can’t correct the issue? Our emergency plumbers are on call 24 hours a day for these exact sink problems.
Depending on your specific problem and who you call for help, plumbing repairs can cost you a couple hundred dollars. Some plumbers will charge a standard fee for simply coming to your home while others will charge an hourly rate and offer the
“Band-Aid” treatment.
At E.P.C., we will do a thorough and honest job. However, here are some useful tips to have handy when looking for credible plumbing service like ours is:
Ask your neighbors, friends or a trusted service professional for a recommendation.
Asking is especially helpful if you’re new to the area.
Go online and check out some reviews on plumbers to find out if their service is trustworthy.
Checking reviews will help you do some comparison shopping.
Ask about fees in the beginning. You don’t want to be bamboozled by gimmicks and false advertising.
Providing great customer service is our number goal, and we always strive to meet all of our customer’s needs.


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